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2018年南科大境外联合博士项目招生通知 | 浏览:1053 回复:0 |
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2017/10/17 14:16:39 | 1 楼 |
南方科技大学(以下简称“南科大”)是国家高等教育综合改革试验校,学校于2012年经教育部批准成立,并被赋予探索具有中国特色的现代大学制度、探索创新人才培养模式的重大使命。南科大致力于建设成为聚集和培养拔尖创新人才的学府,以及创造国际一流学术成果、推动科技应用、支撑深圳可持续发展的平台。南方科技大学将发扬“敢闯敢试、求真务实、改革创新、追求卓越”的创校精神,突出“创知、创新、创业”(Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)的办学特色,大力培养创新人才,早日实现建成国际化高水平研究型大学、建成中国重大科学技术研究与拔尖创新人才培养重要基地的办学目标。 学校目前已建立数学系、物理系、化学系、生物系、电子与电气工程系、材料科学与工程系、金融系、环境科学与工程系(院)、海洋科学与工程系、力学与航空航天工程系,机械与能源工程系、计算机科学与工程系、生物医学工程系等10多个院系。截至2017年5月,南方科技大学已签约引进教师约300人,其中90%以上拥有海外工作经验,60%以上具有在世界排名前100名大学工作或学习的经历。其中包括院士16人,国家“千人计划”入选者43人,教育部“长江学者”12人,“国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金”获得者14人,“青年千人计划”入选者61人。 从2016年开始,南科大与北京大学、哈尔滨工业大学、香港大学、香港科技大学、新加坡国立大学等境内外知名高校开展研究生联合招生,共录取研究生约300名。2018年南科大将在数学、物理、化学、生物、生物医学工程、材料、机械、力学、航空航天、电子、信息、环境、机械、计算机、海洋等学科与国际一流大学共同招收联合培养研究生,实行双校联合培养,双导师指导,毕业后颁发合作大学博士学位。南科大为境外联合培养博士提供丰厚奖学金,欢迎各位优秀学子踊跃申请。 一、招生项目 ![]() 二、奖助学金 南方科技大学为以上项目提供丰厚奖学金资助,共4年,其中在南科大期间,博士生每年按南科大标准获得奖助学金,学生须自行缴纳南科大学费及住宿费。在境外学习期间,南科大按合作大学博士生标准提供奖助学金,部分项目另资助学费。资助详情请电话咨询。重要提醒:住宿、签证及其他费用均由学生自行承担。学生必须按项目时间安排学习并遵守项目规定。超过四年后,南科大不再承担任何费用。 三、申请要求 申请者必须满足以下最低申请条件: GPA:不低于3.0,其中,本科起点学生申请香港大学GPA不低于3.6(或85/100),申请浸会大学GPA不低于3.4 雅思:港(除浸会大学外)、澳、新加坡、澳洲项目雅思6分及以上,单项不低于5.5(澳洲项目要求雅思写作不低于6);英、美、浸会大学项目雅思6.5分及以上,单科不低于6,英国项目必须提交雅思成绩 托福:港、澳、澳洲项目网考不低于80,新加坡项目网考不低于85,英、美项目网考不低于90,并满足各学校对托福单科的要求 重要提醒:以上为最低要求,如合作大学学科有更高语言要求,申请者须满足该学科要求。 四、申请方式 申请者需首先准备申请材料,向南科大各院系投递电子版申请材料,经南科大各培养单位初选和研究生院组织的推荐资格审核,通过初选和资格审核后在境外合作大学完成网申,通过网申并签署奖学金协议后即完成拟录取。申请者无需报名合作大学。具体程序如下: A、准备申请材料(相关表格在“表格下载”栏下载) 1、《南方科技大学境外联合培养博士研究生报名登记表》(英文版); 2、Resume或CV(英文); 3、研究计划(2000字以内,英文); 4、个人陈述(2000字以内,英文); 5、推荐信两封(英文); 6、成绩单扫描件(须加盖毕业院校教务章或档案所在地人事章); 7、英文考试成绩单(TOEFL/IETLS等)扫描件; 8、身份证扫描件; 9、学历学位证书扫描件、学历和学籍信息认证文件《教育部学历证书电子注册备案表》和《教育部学籍在线验证报考》网址:http://www.chsi.com.cn/(应届毕业生需提交在读证明扫描件,在预录取后须补交学历学位等证明文件,经真实性查验后方可报到注册); 10、其他能帮助申请的材料(如:毕业论文、在科研刊物或会议上发表的学术论文或其它出版物、专利、荣誉证书,职业资格证书扫描件等)。 注:如以上材料无法全部提供,请附书面说明,写明原因。所有学历、学位等证明文件必须保证其真实性,如有虚假,申请者将承担一切后果。 B、投递申请材料 1、截止时间 每年招收一批,秋季入学。申请2018年秋季入学的学生最晚于2017年11月30日前完成申请材料提交。 2017年12月1-31日为南科大选拔时间,2018年1月,南科大将通知入选学生在合作大学进行网申及完成后续程序。 2.、投递要求 申请者向各院系联系老师投递电子版申请材料(打包发送)。 邮件题目格式:申请2017年境外联合培养项目:南科大院系-申请者姓名 邮件题目格式不符者,不予采纳。 C、培养单位初选和南科大推荐资格审核 培养单位对成功提交申请材料者进行初选及面试,研究生院工作委员会对通过培养单位初选的学生进行推荐资格审核。 D、合作学校面试 审核通过的申请者根据需要参加境外合作大学的面试,面试方式及时间由合作大学导师决定。 E、正式网申 通过南科大推荐资格审核和双校联合面试(若需要)的申请者在境外大学网站上进行正式网申。 F、拟录取 通过合作高校网申并按要求交齐材料后即完成拟录取。 五、联系方式 ![]() 【Announcement】Notice of 2018 Overseas Collaborative PhD Program Admission of SUSTech Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is one of the pilot universities for national comprehensive higher education reform. Approved by the Ministry of Education, it was founded in 2012 and endowed with the important mission of exploring the modern university system with Chinese characteristics and creative talents training mode. SUSTech is committed to becoming a university gathering and training top-notch innovation talents, and a platform creating international first-level academic achievements, promoting scientific and technological application, and supporting Shenzhen sustainable development. Since its foundation, SUSTech has been carrying forward the spirit of “Dare to Try, Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation, and Striving for Excellence”, focusing on the school-running characteristics of “Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, and vigorously developing innovative talents in order to achieve the school-running objectives of building international high-level research university and developing into an important base of significant scientific and technological research and top-notch innovative personnel in China. At present, the University has established more than 10 departments including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Finance, and School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean Science and Engineering, Mechanics and Aeronautics and Astronautics, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. As of May 2017, SUSTech has introduced about 300 faculty members, more than 90% of which have overseas work experience and more than 60% have worked or studied in the world’s top 100 universities, including 16 deans, 43 candidates for the national “The Recruitment of Global Experts”, and 12 “Yangtze River Scholars” of Ministry of Education, and 14 winners of “National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)”, and 61 candidates for “The Recruitment of Global Youth Experts”. Since 2016, SUSTech has developed the collaborative PhD programs with 15 world renowned universities. So far, it has admitted about 300 joint graduate students in total. In 2018, SUSTech is going to jointly enroll and cultivate graduate students with world-class universities in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Materials, Machinery, Mechanics, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Electronics, Information, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Ocean Science, etc. The programs will implement the system of “joint cultivation by two universities and guidance by two mentors, and students will be awarded the Doctoral Degree of the Cooperative Universities”. In addition, SUSTech provides abundant scholarships for the overseas jointly cultivated students and warmly welcomes all excellent applicants. I. Admission Program ![]() II. Scholarship and stipend SUSTech provides 4-year scholarship and stipend for above programs. During the period in SUSTech, doctoral students will obtain scholarship and stipend according to the relevant standards of SUSTech. They shall pay the tuition and accommodation fees of SUSTech by themselves. During the period overseas, SUSTech will provide doctoral students with the scholarship and stipend according to the relevant standards of cooperative universities and additionally subsidize tuition for some of programs. There may be exceptions for specific cooperative universities or programs. For further details of subsidy, please contact SUSTech Graduate School by telephone. Important notes: accommodation fees, visa fees, and other fees shall be undertaken by students. Students must arrange their study according to the program schedule and observe provisions of the program. After the four years, SUSTech will no longer undertake any fees. III. Application requirements The Applicant must meet the minimum requirements for application as follows: GPA: not lower than 3.0/4.0, of which, not lower than 3.6/4.0 (or 85/100) for the students of Bachelor Degree in applying for Hong Kong University, and not lower than 3.4/4.0 scores for them in applying for Hong Kong Baptist University. IELTS: overall 6 or above for students who apply for Hong Kong (except for Hong Kong Baptist University), Macau, Singapore and UTS programs, and all sub-scores not lower than 5.5 (while Australian programs requires the IELTS writing score be not lower than 6); 6.5 scores or above for British, American, Canada, UQ and Baptist University Programs, and all sub-scores not less than 6. Please provide IELTS scores for applying for British programs. TOEFL: not less than 80 scores in internet-based test for Hong Kong, Macau and Australia programs; not less than 85 scores in internet-based test for Singapore program; not less than 90 scores in internet-based test for British and American programs and meet the requirements of each university for single subject of TOEFL. Important notes: Those above are the minimum requirements; if any discipline of the cooperative universities has a higher language or GPA requirement, the applicant must meet the requirement of the discipline. IV. Application procedure A. Prepare the application materials (relevant forms shall be downloaded from the “Form Download” column) 1. Application form (in English); 2. Resume or CV (in English); 3. Research plan (within 2,000 characters in English); 4. Personal statement (within 2,000 characters in English); 5. Two recommendation letters (in English); 6. Transcripts scanning copy (stamped with the Seal for Teaching Affairs Office of Graduate University or the Seal for Personnel of the place where archives are kept); 7. English Test Report (such as TOEFL/IETLS, etc.); 8. ID card scanning copy; 9. Scanning copy of Degree Certificate/ Diplomas, education and student information certification, For Chinese applicants, please verify your degree certificate and diploma through website: http://www.chsi.com.cn/ and provide the electronic verification record; 10. Other materials contributing to application (such as thesis, academic paper published in the scientific research periodicals or meeting, or other publication, patent, honorary certificate, professional certificate scan, etc.). Notes: All the Degree Certificates, Diplomas and other certifications must be authentic; otherwise the applicant will bear all the consequences. B. Deliver application materials 1. Deadline There is one enrollment in fall for each year. The deadline to submit application materials for applying for fall 2018 entrance is November 30, 2017. The selection time of SUSTech is from December 1 to December 31, 2017. In January 2018, SUSTech will notify the successfully selected candidates to complete the online application and follow-up procedures in the cooperative university. 2. Delivery requirements The applicant shall deliver the electronic application materials to the contact staff member of each department in a package. The format of e-mail subject: applying for 2018 Overseas Collaborative PhD Program: Department of SUSTech - Name of the Applicant. The e-mail with nonconforming subject format will be not accepted. C. Primary selection by training organization and the recommend qualification examination by SUSTech SUSTech departments conduct primary selection and interview on the applicants who have successfully delivered the application materials, and the Working Committee of Graduate School will then examine the qualification of the recommend students who have passed the primary selection by the departments. D. Interview in the cooperative university The applicants who have passed the review by the Working Committee of Graduate School will be informed by SUSTech to apply to cooperative university and attend the interview of the cooperative university. Interviews will be arranged by the supervisor and relevant department of cooperative university. E. Offering Candidates who complete the application and pass interview of both universities will be offered admission by the cooperative university around May 2018. V. Staff Contacts ![]() |